A Condition Report is used to accurately depict the current stage of any works & is inherently different to a Dilapidation Report.
Whilst both include photographic records of the present condition of an asset, a Condition Report is used when it is required to accurately depict the current stage condition of building works.
This is typically required where a dispute has stalled the construction work on a project & independently determining the level of completion is paramount prior to terminating the contract &/or engaging a new builder.
In addition to capturing the above, Tyrrells will also provide a list of certification you should seek from the builder that corresponds with the level of completion & point out any major defects & construction issues of which you should be aware.
A Condition Report will greatly assist you in the event the dispute cannot be resolved amicably &/or protect you against any assumptions made by the other parties regarding the status of the build at that time.